Kamis, 03 Januari 2008

My Big Problem

I've just got a really big problem. Hope you can help me to leave from this problem. In a couple days ago *till now* I cannot leave a comment. It's not blogger's problem but my WordPress (WP) problem. Since couple days ago, I cannot leave a comment for my friends' blog, and I've no idea bout this..I don't know why it is happen? Is there a problem with my WP? Or problem with my computer, or my network? I only can leave a comment for blog where I signed in. So, can anyone there help me to solve this problem? I really feel upset, coz my friends asked me to leave them a comment in their blog.

1 komentar:


Assallamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.
Menurut saya peraoalan pada WP, atau komputer bisa diatasi dengan memanggil ahlinya, mungkin banyak sahabat dekat yang dapat dimintai tolong.
Tapi yang lebih penting adalah, menata hati agar tidak mudah "rusak" karena berbagai kendala dalam perjalanan hidup. Penting loh untuk "be happy", sebab khan "don't worry". Jadi yaa... "Don't worry be happy. It's good moslem."
Wassallamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.
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